Comprehensive and strategic community planning for the development of cities, towns and communities is a key focus of Brown & Associates, Inc., a local government service company initially established in 2000. Comprehensive and Strategic community planning and development have long since been a necessity for any community, city or town looking to grow. Since our inception our emphasis has been on community, city and town planning, community development, land use plans, annexation, zoning, development ordinances, public administration and code enforcement activities for public agencies. Our approach to comprehensive and strategic community planning is to serve as an internal component of the agency in any applicable way.
Our comprehensive and strategic community-planning concept of ‘public service through private enterprise’ has been developed to serve as an extension of the local jurisdiction in the capacity we have been hired to provide. This comprehensive and strategic community planning concept approach offers access to experience and talent that is often not available through the hiring of one individual in a community planning position. In these circumstances our personnel fill the needs of the agency, often utilizing the talents of more than one individual to serve in the single position. Our staff is flexible and available individually or in teams, to fit the client’s needs. We also use the latest in community planning techniques and keep abreast of legislation and court decisions that affect our clients’ interests.
The information that you have before you presents our firm, our comprehensive and strategic community planning concept and the unique nature of Brown & Associates, Inc. in the public service arena. We welcome you to the innovation that is present in the firm and hope that you will find our services useful to you as a community leader and to the citizens your organization serves.
Comprehensive planning is important for all communities in order to determine what the communities’ future will hold. A Comprehensive Plan is a document that outlines how the community wants to grow in terms of future goals, land use distribution, transportation, and community facilities. Brown & Associates, Inc. works with communities to develop their unique, long-range (20+ years) vision for the future. The Comprehensive Plan guides and directs future decision-making processes for growth and development and should act as the basis for capital improvement programs, zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations. This process sends a strong message to residents, business owners and industries that the community has an effective plan for the future.